Consistency and Authenticity with Mikas of We Make Dance Music - Music Production Podcast #369



Mikas is the creator of We Make Dance Music, a site of music resources for producers. On his podcast, Live Electronic Music Tutorials with Mikas, he creates tracks in real-time, sharing tips and techniques along the way. The result of each episode becomes a template viewers can purchase on 

This is the second time Mikas and I spoke on the Music Production Podcast. Immediately I was reminded of his passion and impressive work ethic. As a new father, Mikas discussed the importance of staying consistent and scheduling time to work on his music career. He spoke about how we can take small actions regularly to complete major goals. Mikas also had some powerful thoughts on authenticity and honesty in art and how that can lead to deeper connections with your audience.

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  • Consistency and dedication are key in pursuing creative endeavors.

  • Limited time can increase productivity and focus.

  • Focusing on strengths while working on weaknesses can lead to better results.

  • Learning and growing as an artist is important, regardless of experience.

  • Daily practice and challenges like Jamuary can lead to significant progress.

  • Platforms like We Make Dance Music provide opportunities for musicians to make a living.

  • Community and collaboration are important in the music industry. Success is the result of intentional action and consistent effort.

  • Putting in the work and showing up consistently is more important than waiting for inspiration or relying on luck.

  • Building relationships and connections requires effort and vulnerability, but it can lead to meaningful experiences and personal growth.

  • Real, tangible experiences are important in a world dominated by technology.

  • Taking breaks and engaging in physical activities can help maintain focus and perspective.

  • Honesty, authenticity, and providing value to others are key in building meaningful relationships.


Thank you for listening. 

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